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Reply to "Kiddie silent and CaribJ not prosecuting AFC"

you guys make me laugh ! look some of you give Moses more credit than he deserves , What Moses brought to AFC was nothing other than distraction. If anyone gave the AFC more votes this election was the moronic and arrogant behavior of that jacka55 Bharrat Jagdeo and PPP Opportunists. The PPP is in deep sh1t ! The behavior of the PPP under BJ made Granger and the PNC appear hopeful . The AFC f*#cked up badly by allowing Moses to take them on a rant in PPP strongholds where they already had PPP voters fed up with the PPP and who would have voted AFC anyway. Moses took AFC off course and I have to agree with Caribj that AFC neglected regions they needed to take votes from both PPP and mostly PNC . I guess Gerhard will review AFC campaign and realize they f*^cked up badly. Now let's see whether the new AFC prophet will lead the AFC from bondage to victory next election unless Moses loses his staff and commandments . Now Guyana elected the biggest jacka55 as president expect loudER whining .Kari , silent no ! just shittin my pants with laff that Guyanese are so f*^cked up in their thinking and reasoning ...they will suffer far more under Donald Duck than they did under Bharrat Jagdeo and guess what ...they deserve it ! FTS .