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Reply to "Kiddie silent and CaribJ not prosecuting AFC"

Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by caribj:

Then you stopped once you understood that had the AFC competed in Gtwn and Linden they could have become a serious player. They didnt. I told them so. They lost black support...I warned them.

Well the elections are over and the future awaits.
Guyana politics is racially polarized.

When I see how many white people put Obama into office I realize that there is good and bad in all races. It just hasn't come to Guyanese to date and that's because our previous leaders have used race to separate us to in an effort to retain power.

There is hope for Guyana .... One day ... maybe one day.

Caribj, there's nothing to be ashamed of ... the AFC served its purpose in this election, it dismantled quite a bit of the PPP base. This is a start towards progress.

Indeed the AFC peeled away at the racial voting patterns and that is where we are all hopeful for a new beginning. I had said before that this is a watershed election the moment Moses tested the dominance of the PPP in traditional Indian constituency, and the AFC provided that opportunity for him.

You really think so...I wonder. Last time we peeled Afro voters with an Afro candidate, this time we peeled mostly Indo voters with an Indo candidate. This is a Guyana culture.