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Reply to "Kiddie silent and CaribJ not prosecuting AFC"

Fact is Granger knows the PNC cannot and will never win an election on black votes given the racial pattern so, what he did was to create a great plan and strategy to recruit and dispatch ex police and military to the corners of the world where there are guyanese communities to bring back PNCites to the party, use expats as surrogates to convince Guyanese voters in Guyana to join NOT the PNC but APNU . Note the change in tone , message content and image .

"APNU is not a political party, but an association of political parties, Guyanese organisations and citizens that share a common desire to ensure a bright future for our country and citizens, guided by our Statement of Principles."

By next election PNC will become more invisible and APNU more visible which more voters will buy into.

" The term “Partnership” was preferred over other suggestions such as “Alliance”, “Coalition”, etc., to convey the idea of sharing: shared power and governance; shared dividends; shared responsibilities. "

Now if the AFC took the time to understand the above they would have designed a far more effective campaign and not allow the likes of Moses to detract from their mission. Granger will spend the next few years showing up the failures of the PPP , in direct dialogue with voters in areas where the PPP took old UF voters and make incursions into the Indian base as more indians are becoming openly annoyed with the PPP .

AFC, having gained minimal ground must now create a shadow cabinet as I strongly suggested following the previous election and which they failed to do. Voters want to see organization , structure and presence of a party as ready, willing and able to take over govt . The AFC needs a committee of planners and strategists to take them to the next level so that they are able to seriously compete effectively.