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Reply to "Kidney Clensing"

Background and update:
Poor ole Anta has been plagued with kidney stones for the past few years. First one sometime around 2000 which was removed by lithroscopy after which the doctor said "See you in eight years". Upon request for clarification he said "With your lifestyle you'll get more kidney stones." He explained further that the caffeine in 5-6 cups of coffee a day plus calcium from broad leaf vegetables and milk contribute to the stones. So.. Anta took him a little seriously and decided to try and cut down the coffee .. but not seriously enough.

Whereupon poor ole Anta had another stone in 07, again removed by lithroscopy, after which and completely cut out coffee, managing to survive on only one cup of tea in the morning. However, the two to four glasses of water was not enough, and poor poor ole Anta built up two, not one, two stones about three months ago.

The first one, smaller, passed without any fuss. The second one, bigger, 6mm, resulted in my first response on this thread.

So... update. Over the past 4 weeks or so I tried the three most popular home remedies: apple cider vinegar, lemon juice in olive oil and the parsley tea. After all of that 2 Sundays ago, I was in so much pain, got no sleep, couldn't go to work Monday and went to the doctor who scheduled surgery in the near future. Well.... not sure what did it but looks like the kissmeass mudda soandso stone passed last Thursday night! My conclusion - the pain resulted from the stone trying to pass as a result of one or some combination of the home remedies and drinking plenty water.

So... now good ole Anta completely cut out caffeine and drinking about 8 to 10 glasses water per day.
Hope somehow this can help somebody avoid the excrutiating pain from kidney stones.