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Legislative Assembly in Guyana - Embarassing

Last night I was listening to the Guyana Budget debate live on internet radio. It was aweful to say the least. In one case Dr. Ashni Singh referred to Carl Greenidge as a senior member of APNU.  On hearing this, Volda Lawrence another APNU member rose to raise a point of order. The Speaker asked her what is her point of order and she said that Dr. Singh is referring to her colleague as a senior member of APNU. She even started to argue with the Speaker who was equally happy to engage her rather than telling her to take her seat. When it was time for a vote on amendment to a line item in the Budget, more than half of APNU side appears to have been sleeping or answered "yes" in a way their wife or husband would call for them. out. There was so much rudeness it was amazing.The amount of unparliamentary languages heard in the Chamber was mind blowing. It is clear (only a jackass would think otherwise) after hearing the proceedings in the Chamber that the Speaker is so one sided, that Guyana can do much better. He does not loo.k like he understands the Roberts Rules of Order and how to execute them. In Guyanese terms this man is a pure "Kangalang". The whole proceedings was totally embarassing, and I am being mild in saying so.

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