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Reply to "Life on Fort Island"

seignet posted:

WE indians are a constant prosessive ppl, we improve our living spaces all the time. Not like yuh mixup putgee jackasses who only bulid and never maintain.

Have to go now. Dem Jamaican ladies insist I go outside and have a tan and ignore you. Dem reading how stupid you are. So far, dem bring two margaritas and insist i close off the computer. Otherwise dem guh tek it away and give it back when i ready to leave.

I told dem indians are not liked by all the other races in guyana, before i let read your stupid ass comments.

gan now.

Bai  shut you behind....Indians and blacks are comparatively in the same shit hole at home. The few who made it is like counting the Indians in silicon valley and arguing the progress of Indians. BTW what kept dalits in dalitdom for 6 thousand years? Note, our siblings back in india are still living predominantly in the same shit hole as when our  ancestors  left 
