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Reply to "Looking forward to this debate tonight"

Rush always says that the Democrats don't win elections. Obviously he is willfully ignoring history. This is what I think happened in 2016. Americans have this misguided notion that there should be enough Republicans or Democrats to serve as a check and balance to the President whichever party he is representing. In 2016, many thought that Clinton will win so many voters probably voted for Republican congressional representatives to balance that power. Open congressional seats is also a factor. Then the results came out and to the horror of the gods, Trump won. That created a terrible two long years until the 2018 midterm elections when voters got the opportunity to right that wrong. They corrected it by replacing the Republican House with a Democratic one. The Senate did not see the same effect since not many Republican seats were up for grabs. But that is not the case in 2020. The number of Republican seats versus Democratic one up for grab this year are like 3:1 so the Republicans are definitely going to lose the Senate this year. The Democrats will maintain its majority in the House too. And if we send someone like Bloomberg up, he will beat Trump and since he is actually a Republican, none of the checks and balance misguided notion will play any role.
