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Reply to "Looking forward to this debate tonight"

Sean posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

First time I have seen Bloomberg with fear in his eyes. I was expecting a better showing from him.  

It was his first appearance so he had to get some issues resolved. He tried to address them without creating other issues. He will be fine as time progresses. He was a successful mayor of NY. An job that Koch and Dinkins failed miserably at.

I was thinking that he might be the man to give Trump a run for his money.  The Dems always count on the black vote to win.  Stop and Frisk is his Achilles heel so he won’t get the black vote.  The Communist might be the one to go up against Trump.  Hillary will barf at the Communist who she robbed in 2015 and Trump wins.


Truthfully we all have some sins so I wouldn’t dismiss him easily. Blacks will have to choose between him if he becomes the nominee and Trump or stay home. It is not inconceivable that they choose Trump either especially if their wallets have been heavier during the Trump years. But all staying home does is remove one’s right to complain about who wins.

Bai Kaz, Van Jones was saying last night that young blacks don’t like Bloomberg as a result of his Stop and Frisk policies and will not vote for him. Despite this, the establishment still wants the know racist and woman hater Bloomberg. 
A majority of Blacks will stay home if they have to vote for Bloomberg. 

Hillary 2 is unfolding right before our eyes. The only difference is that it’s a racist white male this time around. 

Democrats have to stop living in a fairytale world. 

Van Jones is a smart fellow but his slant is he is a shill for Bernie. Bloomberg was like all white people viewing crime as a mainly minority problem without grasping it is an institutionally generating outcome as well. His kind of over policing minorities communities and differential indicting brown and black folks while missing that of white is universal in ghis country. From security in stores and malls to the streets it is a white person's tropism.

Trump stated on the debate stage he wants to take it nationally and we know how he thinks of minority folks because he is stupid enough to campaign on keeping a white base as  his target ceiling in the national elections. You, a highschool dropout, swallowing the crap on fox news suddenly think you your are a political visionary and supremely schooled in the field to know democrats live in wonder land is the biggest fairy take of all  
