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Reply to "Lowenfield hospitalized"

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, I am a strong proponent of freedom of speech but there are rules and mods to deal with at a forum. I had to make adjustments and it worked. Just have fun Skelly. 

I have been suspended 3 times and the admin was never able to explain why I was suspended. No warning or anything. As I said, I did not miss being on this BB.

Even if the admin didn't give you any explanation for multiple suspensions, after three-times you should be able to figure out the reasons. When my parents used to trash my rass, I know why. A repeated offender, cussing, and ignore admin warnings are some of the reasons. BTW, I never know you were suspended. You were such a good person to me. You never tell me that I am a black man. Oh my god! 

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