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Man billing PPP for stealing his video and using in campaign ad



Dear Peoples Progressive Party/Civic,
I Believe too! I believe that before you downloaded my video and used it as part of your campaign footage you should have called to ask so I could have had the opportunity to decline. I believe someone would have had to first download the video from my youtube channel and take the effort to crop out the watermark. Even if they missed my name on the channel they wouldn't have missed it in the watermark. I see a lot of youth in your video and I see the president Donald Ramotartalking about believing in me. What is it you believe? That after 23 years with no move to implement intellectual copyright legislation you are entitled to pilfer material from the very youth you hope will vote for you? I belong to a non-partisan youth organization that has come under attack from your very party for being politically aligned. I actually appear in the footage you stole, which means both my content and I are now part of a partisan political campaign ad which makes me therefore appear partisan. I reject such defamation of my character and subversion of my creative output. 
Guyanese artistes have already suffered enough for close to two decades without adequate copyright protection from the scourge of piracy, something the Ministry of Youth Culture and Sport have done little to address. For one of the major political parties to engage in such activity is shameful. What plan could there possibly be for the economic empowerment of youth when you're so willing to further your ambition by stealing from those very in this case? This year I will be voting on issues and the issue of copyright and the protections in place to foster creative and cultural development are very close to my heart. Your party has done very little in the way of encouraging meaningful development of the local creative industry and you also give very little work to the local industry. Many of your ads have American voice overs and this year as in the past election cycle we have been treated to a jingle produced in Trinidad. Is only foreign work worth paying for? Does the fact I am Guyanese give you automatic entitlement to the fruit of my creative endeavors? That much is unacceptable and as such my requests are as follows: 
1. Immediate removal of my content from your video ad uploaded to Youtube and being presently broadcast to the nation. 
2. A response to the invoice I will personally deliver to Freedom House tomorrow morning.
3. A public apology for misappropriation of my content and removal of my content from any ads you have queued up.
I believe you will most likely untag this photo but please do not believe the issue will go away. It's time to send a positive message to youth across the nation that this is not the sort of behavior you are willing to engage in. Many thanks. My name is Francis Michael Bailey and I endorse this message. #IBelieveInHonesty



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