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Reply to "Man Found Hanging Hours After Beating Grandparents"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

Always has to be East Indians involved. 

And mostly in Berbice. Strange.

Strange  !!.. maybe not so.

In the 1960s two places in Guyana were built for rice cultivation.  Black Bush Polder in Berbice and Tapacuma in Essequibo.

BBP is more isolated than the semi-isolated Essequibo project and have the highest suicide levels. Why ?   

It would seem not much thought was given to recreation, including active sports, because at that time our parents  worked long hours and recreated seldom at the occasionally wedding or funeral service.  The limited play grounds and ball fields were seldom used at BBP by hard working rice farmers.  Who would rather  have a few drinks after work, dinner and early to bed. Many children follow the parents example.

Then some people  emigrated  overseas  and returning with the influences from  the 'riches' they obtained in other countries.

The old people who remained and were influenced by their older parents, stayed the same culturally. But the younger generation were influenced by the overseas visitors  for a life that did not exist in Guyana and they cannot leave the country easily, so they became depressed.  

They did not want to become farmers like their parents and many felt a sense of hopelessness, so they dropped out of school, abuse alcohol, drugs and girls got pregnant at 13.

None of the governments have programs to assist  the youth who felt abandoned.  When a young woman died from child birth in a government hospital, there were three youth suicides, who were close to her, within four months. Their reason,  why should we live  when the government don't care about us.

When overseas NGOs tried to help....well, that is another story.

The situation has not changed  and might remain the same, until the youth are taught to cope with their life challenges.

No one is an expert in dealing with this situation. There is no one formula, because each person who decide to take their own life is different.

But trying is better than doing nothing at all.        

CONCLUSION:  Rice Cultivation in Black Bush Polder in Berbice and Tapacuma in Essequibo cause suicide!!!!!!!!

It looks like you are also spending  too much time in that Baseless Basement.

Did you  pass dunsee, or they forward you per Jagdeo plan of no hold back of a dumb student.  
