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Reply to "Maniac is sounding worried.....and nervous......."

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

"Political Analyst, Dr. Henry Jeffrey poured cold water on the AFC being assured of the ministerial posts....The ministers are advisors to the president so whether or not you control anything, it’s who is president, who cares who is even prime minister,” he said. “Once you are in a ministry you can do things but in terms of power, in terms of making great policies and so on you have to get past the president,” he said.Jeffrey is already on record as favouring Moses Nagamootoo to be the presidential candidate to secure East Indian support, the traditional base of the PPPC."..... Demerara Waves Report 16/02/2015



They have to play the race card to the hilt. However, it is time someone makes it clear that indians are now a premium. Guyanese of all ilk are. One does not have to satisfy the insecurity of one group to the detriment of another. The reliance on this by the PPP as a necessity to parse power is disgusting.


It is therefore refreshing that the new union of the AFC and APNU declared constitutional reform is on the table the first 100 days if they are in power. We have to find means to nullify the reliance on race baiting that consumes so much of our political capital since the founding of our state.


Manickchand cannot think outside the box. PPP politicians are cookie cutter politicians. They are party ideologue who can only mouth words spoken by their controlling cabal. That they are drones of a narrow group means our democracy is bound to suffer. Lets hope the people have the good sense to send these fools to the opposition bench so real change can come.

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