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Reply to "MASSIVE Turnout at PPP-C Meetings ."

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Ponder on the causative why the PPP continuously won the elections from 1992 to 2015. With the demographic changes ,do you think the party can win ? will the window dressing help ?

The people who are being condemned daily are the ones that can make the PPP win future elections,they aren't fools ,they can think and are not blind ,the are aware of the ploy to be used and then discarded, in the game to grab power.

 addition to my prior post.

Demographic changes affect all races in Guyana. I do not see the blacks supporting any coolie for office(check the AFC with Ramjattan being president someday in the PNC). I saw on FB where they ask Granger to use the military to stay in office. You never heard that from a coolie.

The Indo Guyanese are more affected  percentage wise, than the other races.

So you're telling me that the Amerindians fully support the PNC? I do not see the Amerindians having demographic changes. I see lots of blacks migrating out of Guyana. There were some blacks in the Skeldon area whose entire families left for the USA. Bai rain nah fall ah wan man door.
