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Reply to "MASSIVE Turnout at PPP-C Meetings ."

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Ponder on the causative why the PPP continuously won the elections from 1992 to 2015. With the demographic changes ,do you think the party can win ? will the window dressing help ?

The people who are being condemned daily are the ones that can make the PPP win future elections,they aren't fools ,they can think and are not blind ,the are aware of the ploy to be used and then discarded, in the game to grab power.

 addition to my prior post.

I assume that by demographic changes you mean lesser Indos in the population. And if that's the case you're incorrectly supposing that the PPP/C won general elections from 1992 to 2011 with Indo votes alone.

In fact thousands of Amerindians, Afros and Mixed-Race folks voted for the PPP/C.

What do you mean by the people who are being condemned daily? If you're referring to Afros the PPP/C isn't condemning them.

The PPP/C is condemning the PNC-dominated APNU+AFC daily. Big difference.

Doing a deep analysis ,Indo Guyanese ,the majority of the population vote solidly for the PPP. There was a tilt in the 2011 Elections ,it's claimed all have gone back to the PPP.

You need to look at the supporters of the PPP, you will see the condemnation. Well we don't have to go far look here on this forum.

According to Bisram, 75/80% Indos vote PPP while 95% Afros vote PNC. The PPP has Amerindian and others on their side, +5% Afros. 

This proves that PNC is still a race based party.

Last edited by Former Member