Django posted:ksazma posted:Baseman posted:Ksazma and Django, ayuh two are a perfect microcosm of US and Guyana politics. You watch the same something and see different things.
True. I see things clearly. InshaAllah, someday my big brother will too.
The differences between the two of us, i don't dislike Political Parties ,my dislikes are for some of the people in the political parties ,especially the one who put wool over the people eyes.
However, the evidence is clear that the PNC has had a history of subverting the will of the people of Guyana. That is why I dislike them. It is not because they are predominantly black as we have seen blacks who were thuggish brutes while members of the PNC become upstanding peaceful citizens after they left the PNC and joined the PPP. It is the culture of the PNC that is dangerous to the vast majority of the Guyanese population.