Baseman posted:Django posted:D2 posted:Baseman posted:D2 posted:The PPP are back with the same stupid un=creative proposal. As much as I do not care for the Granger regime;these ignorant, inane fools do not deserve to be back in office either
I agree, but someone has to be in power. Take you pick.
How about "Other" as a choice? That option is always there. The PPP will win unless the APNU find ways to nullify the 18K coolies who are returning home from the AFC. Look out for spoiled votes reaching 7000 for example.
Seems like pie in the sky, check the migratory trends to the US from 2012 to 2019 and 2015 to 2019. Data available at DHS ,up to year 2018 ,will prove the 18K becomes nil ,data from other countries are not available , which may further increased the amount.
You always try to put a hopeful spin for the PNC. I remember the NCV evening, you were so sure, until Charrandass barked.
Keep an open mind or you may go into depression after March 2.
No spin bhai ,facts and figures don't lie . Regarding the NCV ,the actions of the MP have further strengthened the division . The balancing act is gracing the landscape of Guyana ,perhaps in the future the majority ethnic groups becomes the minority ,watch out for the growth of Amerindians and Mixed . There will be no depression.