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Reply to "Mayor cancels City Hall meeting after being left out of agenda planning"

yuji22 posted:

Tek time. Jagdeo will be President again and you will have to take heart surgery ! , i will have Ifraan mopping the floor, while i will roll up my sleeve and get to work, i have to make Guyana great again.During my tenure the country was doing great, the best growth rate ever seen in the history of the country, we had top notch Drug dealers, me talk about crime had crime under control just a few bodies scattering around the place. ..let's move on to corruption.. the record for curtailing was the best in the entire region, the record is there for every one to see,Flip only flip away a few million US dollors,  them bhais at rice board had a field day, they try to out do each other stashing away dollors. let me tell what we do for to give them we give Alexi... the job to set up one of the fastest internet Alexi...did a fine job he only blow away couple million US dollors. the sugar workers was happy we built the Skeldon Sugar Factory state of the art for around $200 million US dollors, every thing was fine until we had to bail them out with a few billion dollors per a problem we still looking out for them, they are our supporters. that all for today... i will present more at my next press conference...

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