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Reply to "Ministers/VPs pay hike pegged at over $245M annually"

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Redux you and carib J

can spin whatever I say how you want to


I know what I am saying is the truth.


I am saying.....

No Indian & Non Black AFC & APNU Cabinet Ministers

have not joined with the Old Black PNC Racist Thug

who are Yanking Granger Balls on Emancipation Day 2015.


Redux since you want to spin what I said

Give us the name of one....Just One...

Indian or Non Black.... AFC - APNU Minister

who is teaming up with the Old PNC Black Racist Thugs

and Yank Granger Balls  about Pay Increase now....


Redux ....Name One....Just One

Redux gone to lunch, he stand exposed.  He is a BIG FAT LIAR who is doing Rohee wuk for Bharat.
