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Reply to "Mittwah, Django and Prashad."

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
FC posted:

Kp, I noticed you ignored the first question. I suppose only blacks live in those buildings. But keep on writing. The more you write the more you reveal how much you are consumed by racism. Get counseling man.

He’s just an angry old k.uny.  Bibi should tell him of all those hoity toity Black PNC friends she hang around in NY.  They care less to have Indians around them.  They marry their own and would prefer to see an all Black Guyana!

Since you are a black saviour  and care so much do them a favor and marry a black woman or man action speaks louder than words and at least you don't have to sleep alone.

Dem Black people Bibi hangs out with would piss in your face, and then regret wasting their piss on a lump of sh1t!

Are you speaking from experience, as you are speaking about Bibi, isn't she the one that DUMP you HIGH and DRY, Now go tek one a Bibi's Black people, perhaps you like them walaba post, you are a darn LONELY boy looking for friends in all the wrong places, gwan deh.
