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Reply to "More political fallout...."

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Tell me which movement or people under oppression does not ask the major democracies of the world and UN for help.

Oppression? You people ran the government for 23 years....why didn’t Jagdeo and Ramotar put things in place then? You know why....they were busy filling their pockets and building their mansions....

Yaal did not learn from the 28 years experience? You begged Carter then....and y’all begging again....

AND....which one of the PPP leaders really “opposing” oppression today...these guys are only using Indos...they know they ain’t getting back in power after this election....once dat oil money start flowing, “y’all kak duck”

So, you people stop hollering like knuckleheads on the internet....

AND, if Irfaan is the best the PPP has to offer...what kind of a friggin low bar kunumunu is that for a leader?   Education?? Fraud charges??? 

Like I people ought to really be ashamed of yourselves....dat PPP party ain’t going nowhere....the sensible ones left...Moses, Ramjattan, Ramkarran...and you girls are out here singing praises to that hairless party dictator....


