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Reply to "More political fallout...."

Zed posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

It is ‘dem white people’ who conspired and put Burnham in power. So, they need to pay for the result of that since Burnham destroyed the economy.

Yeh you right, Burnham died just a few months ago.

As Vish said on many occasions, the PPP had 20+ years to make a huge difference and make changes, one being change what was "Dem PNC GDF and GPF". They could have made joining these easier for the Indos (we hear lots of complaints here that Indos were treated like shit should they join these forces) They could have made more progress by including blacks and other races into their fold but nahhhhh, instead they hired their own. 23 years in government can turn a lot around but nooooo, again as Vish mentioned, they were too busy filling their dam pockets to take care of business and now they cry the blues.

After all the talk about Vote for Change, the Granger government got into office and look what they did, they got rid of the Indos and plunked their own in those positions, they felt as though they were being marginalized and now they are in power they took advantage, because Guyanese have a stupid mentality about " do fo do nah obeah" or some such bullshit.

Yall gonna get vex with Iman but as siggy would agree, perhaps it is time the White people take over that armpit of the world, that would teach all those stupid, lazy, backward #@$kers a lesson.

Last edited by cain