There is quite an apt phrase to describe PNC groupies like you and AFC groupies like TK---nattering nabobs of negativity.
That is what you folks are---nattering nabobs of negativity---you so despise the PPP that you wish destruction for Guyana and Guyanese.
It deeply pains you people to see progress being made in Guyana---hopefully the PPP will keep you mentally tortured for decades to come.
Rev gives us details about how tourism is developing in Guyana. Note that Guyana is being promoted as an eco/adventure destination, an activity that very few overseas based Guyanese engage in.
A relative who lives in the UK said that Guyana is now fairly well known there, thanks to numerous BBC features on its attractions. Check the arrivals from Europe (including the UK). In 2011 there were a scant 8,300 visits from that region, and this was slightly below 2010 levels. I am sure that most of these visits were from UK based Guyanese and their offspring and business people, and the random Englishman arriving for cricket.
Rev Guyana cannot even attract English people to watch cricket while it is being played there (they prefer to stay in St Lucia or Barbados and watch it in sports bars). So please do not tell me that eco/adventure tourism into Guyana is booming.
The demise of Ezjet guarantees that arrivals from the US to GUY will be down this year. Caribbean spent lots of cash on wetleasing a plane to compete against EZjet and they will need to recover those losses.
Aside from the Indo elite I doubt that most Guyanese will tell you that they feel that their lives are as grand as you boast.