carib bai:
You are a good TALKER---talkers talk---they are masters of complaining, condeming and criticizing---that's you caribJ--- but when it comes to doing, taking action and producing---talkers are missing in action---they are the least productive members of society.
As of right now---2013, the tourism sector has attracted $GUY25 billion in investments from 14 local tourism investors---these local investors are the DOERS in Guyana---they are not TALKERS like you caribJ----they are DOERS.
What makes you a doer? Caribj has an ivy league diploma on his wall, what do you have on yours? To this point you are not even a good talker. All you do is plaster the board with rubbish cartoons ( not even your own) and deliberate misinformation about the matter you purport to discuss.
Further, what experience do you have in the tourism or travel sector that you present yourself as an authority on it? You are a half balked dunce who cannot argue one point from premise to conclusion without being a racist, a pig or telling a lie. The point of tourism, regular or eco tourism have been a source of discussion here for over a decade and the same impediments to us being ready to grow the industry remains.
A new airport, or hotel wont automatically bring in tourist. We have always had the beauty of our interior and many good eco tourist ventures have collapsed. More people coming home to visit family this year than last does not mean we have mastered the art of managing a tourism sector. At minimum,m reduce the 135 murders a year and the gun violence and have some clean streets.