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Reply to "MORE PROGRESS: Guyana Becomes A Tourism Hot Spot"

Originally Posted by Henry:
I despise that expression "sustainable development," which translates to dankey cart/colonial economy. And a big emphasis on tourism as a source of income leads down that same road. Guyana should be planning to develop its capactiy to produce useful things for local use and export.



Don't get too caught up by expressions like "sustainable development".


What's taking place right now in Guyana is a multi prong approach to developing the country's resources is being pursued.


* More land is being made available for expanding the agri sector.


* Gold will soon be mined on a large scale industrial scale---2 big canadian owned mines will come on line soon---400,000 ounces were produced last year mainly by small and medium sized operators in Guyana---much bigger amounts soon.


* The Russians are planning to double bauxite production


* You have read about the efforts being laid out in the tourism sector


* The country's infrastructure is being improved and expanded---road to lethem--Berbice deep water port, etc---those will become a reality in the future


* A new energy source is being pursued---hydro will take Guyana to a higher plateau economically.


* New industries will gravitate towards Guyana once a cheaper source of energy is in place---and better infrastructure.


* Large Agro processing has a big future in Guyana---but better infrastructure need to be in place---that is being worked on.





There are exciting times ahead for Guyana---the nattering nabobs of negativity---like caribJ, TK/redux, stormborn, Ronald Narain, warrior, joker, jalil, cain, Mr.T, Mitwah, Moses, Gerard, Ramjattan, Nigel, Kissoon, etc, etc----they can complain, condemn, and criticize all they want---but Guyana is on the move.



