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Reply to "MORE PROGRESS: Guyana Becomes A Tourism Hot Spot"

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Carib: According to the PPP Ezjet brought in around 35k visitors and Redjet brought in around 23k.  Neither airline exists.  The increase in visitors came as a result of more travel by OVERSEAS Guyanese taking advantage of $400 fares from JFK.  These fares no longer exist.
The fact remains visitors to Guyana increased from 150K in 2011 to 175K in 2012. Regarding the loss of REDJet and EZjet---efforts are being made to have West Jet, Air Canada and Jet Blue offer services to Guyana


carib: What you have yet to prove is that the increase in visitors has ANY to do with the initiatives of the govt to stimulate the eco/adventure segment, and that this travel that does exist will be further stimulated by Marriott.


I dont have to prove anything--the fact is arrivals to Guyana is on the increase--local tourism investors are confidently investing in Guyana---Guyana has added adventure and nature tourism to its tourism package--if 100 tourists went to Guyana in 2012 and 105 visit in 2013---that's an increase---and that's progress in my book.



carib: As to the rest of the economy.  Well rev high prices for rice and gold, no0t having ANYTHING to do with the PPP, have helped increase production in response.  Much of the increased investment in the retail and residential/construction sectors is in response to high inflows of remittances, which has increased the purchasing power of many GUyanese, in addition to the high rice and gold prices.


The Rev is 100% correct--it pains you carib to see Guyana progress under the PPP. You are now crediting increased price for rice, gold and remittances for the improved living standards under the PPP---you are right---I have no dispute with your observation---but the fact is living standards have increased under the PPP---and I dont care how---they have increased---that's all that matters.





You are such a poathetic soul that you are giving the PPP credit for high commodity prices and high remittances.  In fact high remittances shows the FAILURE of the PPP.  Not only did those who left under PNC rule not bother to return, but many have left since 1992, many of them out of a need to earn an income to sustain their families who remain in Guyana...tghis being especially the case for the tens of thousands of Guyanese living in other parts of the Caribbean.


So why do you praise the PPP?  Do you also praise them when rain falls and when the sun rises?  Because they have no more control over prices and remittances than they do over these natural phenomenon.
Air Canada dropped Trinidad because they consider the yields too low, despite Royal having their Caribbean HQ there, which would generate business traffic.  Cross them out.


Jetblue does not have planes that can reliably reach GEO with a full compliment of baggage.  Unless Guyanese are prepared to travel with only some of their luggage, this is remote. 


 I recall that Universal had the same planes that Jetblue has, and they almost ran out of fuel.  Jetblue isnt going to be so irresponsible.


Whether Westjet thinks that there is enough YEAR ROUND traffic to run a nonstop Tor/GEO flight we will see.  Do not expect them to lose money.


Bottom line is nobody is going to offer the types of airfares that EZjet and Redjet offered.  As you can see the collapse of those airlines showed that they have a flawed business model.


If the Guyana govt thinks that an airline will offer cheap fares and lose money as a result, they are mad crazy.  The closest tothat model they will get is Caribbean Air as it gets a fuel subsidy from T&T, and if they are about to collapse, that govt will bail them out.  Indeed the reason why CAL  loves GEO is that generally they can charge more than Trinis will allow them to.


Local investors are NOT investing in tourism.  Those who did some time back lost their shirts, which is why those who are involved in Marriott are demanding full guarantees of their investment.  Bottom line is if Marriott doesnt work its the govt. NOT the private investors, who will stand the loss.

Last edited by Former Member