carib: What you have yet to prove is that the increase in visitors has ANY to do with the initiatives of the govt to stimulate the eco/adventure segment, and that this travel that does exist will be further stimulated by Marriott.
I dont have to prove anything--the fact is arrivals to Guyana is on the increase--local tourism investors are confidently investing in Guyana---Guyana has added adventure and nature tourism to its tourism package--if 100 tourists went to Guyana in 2012 and 105 visit in 2013---that's an increase---and that's progress in my book.
carib: As to the rest of the economy. Well rev high prices for rice and gold, no0t having ANYTHING to do with the PPP, have helped increase production in response. Much of the increased investment in the retail and residential/construction sectors is in response to high inflows of remittances, which has increased the purchasing power of many GUyanese, in addition to the high rice and gold prices.
The Rev is 100% correct--it pains you carib to see Guyana progress under the PPP. You are now crediting increased price for rice, gold and remittances for the improved living standards under the PPP---you are right---I have no dispute with your observation---but the fact is living standards have increased under the PPP---and I dont care how---they have increased---that's all that matters.