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Reply to "MORE PROGRESS: Guyana Becomes A Tourism Hot Spot"

Originally Posted by warrior:

rama well said,this morning i was trying to book a flight to guyana,its almost $800 to guyana,and you know that CAL do not take airmiles to you and i know that airmiles is one of the best deal in travelling.and when guyanese donot have this deal to travell to guyana you know guyana is way i keep saying the fools that run guyana is 50 yrs backwards

Well as I predicted Both Delta and CAL lost $$$ last year trying to defend their market share from EZjet.  Now they have to recoup[ these losses.


Rev  expect fewer visits from Guyanese tourists this year with the demise of Redjet and Ezjet who between them accounted for 20% of the visitors last year.
