Well lin the past you laughed at the notion of Guyana having anything to offer and opined that all Gtwn has are bands of marauding AFC/PNC hooligans?
I do not think that any tourists will pay top dollar to visit a country whichy is only mud, bush and hooligans.
Many Guyanese have relatives to stay with. Those who stay in hotels are too embarrassed for their US/Canada born kids to see the primitive conditions (heat/cld water and mosquitos) that many Guyanese live under. Those Guyanese who have good homes will find it rather odd/insulting that these family will prefer some hotel.
Druggie people dont chose a destination by hotels. They decide where they wish to visit and then select the hotel that meets their tastes and pocket books.
So if foreigners listen to you and think that Guyana is only AFC/PNC bandits and mud and bush then they arent going.