The Marriott is just a piece of the puzzle, more money was spent on Skeldon and other enterprises. The Marriott funding by govt is just a percentage of the total cost are there are other investors, just as with the Bbice bridge.
You scream that tourism will never be of any use to Guyana. You then justofy the PPP investing/lending or guaranteeing at a minimum of US$60MM.
I can tell that you never picked up an accounting book. The Govt of Guyana has a contingent liability for the amount that the private investors put into the project, as these frauds have a guarantee that if the project fails the govt is liable to reimburse them for amounts invested. Clearly lenders will demand to be repaid, regardless as to whether the project succeeds or not. Guess who will be liable?
This is a 100% state funded project, because the investors bear no risk if the hotel closes.
Why if tourism is of no importance? To add fat to the fire it appears as if Chinese and not Guyanese are employed in its construction. Given that you know full well that Guyanese are employed all over the Caribbean in construction, the PPP clearly thinks that Guyanese must migrate if they seek this type of employment in large projects.
Wouldnt ensuring Guyanese found work on this site be a good way to entice them back from the Caribbean? Or must they be confined to the less lucrative construction of homes?
The PPP must grow some ballz and insist that any foreign contractor who wins a state funded project must use locals ONLY, hiring foreigners only where there is a skill deficit. Indeed I suggest that this practise be used even when private sector employers seek work permits to bring in foreigners.