50k is minuscule compared to the arrivals in the Islands for the beach worshiping crowd. I do not discourage eco tourism however it is not high profit and is expensive for the tourists due to high cost of transportation to the eco spots deep in the interior.
Understand that while tourism will never be a major industry in Guyana it can be crucial in certain locations. The Rupununi being an example, and even Gtown some might benefit. It also tends to employ people with lower skills.
Watching Bamazon it should be obvious to you that not every one can go and mine gold. Even those already in the interior.
If tourism is of no importance, according to you, then why is the govt wasting money building the Marriott? Overseas Guyanese already visit, and will continue to visit and the presence of a brand name facility will have very limited impact on whether they continue to visit or nor. So there is no need for govt to invest in what should be a 100% PRIVATELY funded property. If Mr Brandon can use HIS money to fund his Choice Hotel then the same should be expected of those involved with the Marriott.