You must be the most idiotic man around with an IQ of 20. Visitor arrivals into Guyana are GUYANESE RETURNING HOME!!!! They do not need to be enticed to return home as they return to visit family and friends and/or take care of personal and/or commercial business matters. Very few of them take advantage of Guyana's eco/adventure attractions and indeed its likely that the vast majority DO NOT STAY IN HOTELS. Many already own property in Guyana or stay with relatives.
This is not to say that this VFR market is unimportant. Indeed its MORE likely to consume local products and use entertainment facilities than other visitors, and also more likely to patronize the small hotels. And will also by souvenirs and gifts for their friends back in their adopted countries.
However their decision to visit or not visit Guyana have NOTHING to do with any actions by the govt, or private stakeholders.
I will add that there is NO attempt to develop a product that might interest those people born outside of Guyana, but of Guyanese parentage, and who lack networks of relatives or friends in Guyana, to visit. These people therefore have no reason to visit Guyana unless the country ha ssomething to offer, when compared to other places wwhere they are likely to visit.
Case in point. Georgetown STINKS. The govt has no policy about encouraging people to maintain our historic dwellings, or encouraging new structures to incorporate (as much as possible) tradsitional architectural structues in what wshould be our HISTORIC DISTRICT. These historic buildings give Georgetown a unique look, and that anbd its gardens were the reason why iut USED to have appeal to many visitors until the mid 1970s.
Understand this. Guyana belongs to all Guyanese, not just those who support the PPP, and Guyanese will visit Guyana whether or not they approve of the PPP. So because I might decide to go home toi visit friends and family has nothing to do with what I think of trhe racist and corrupt and incompetent theives who supposedly govern Guyana (and I include APNU and the AFC as well as the PPP in this description).