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Burglars cart off US$4,000 meant for charity
- Overseas-based Guyanese peeved with police inefficiencies
After giving similar statements three days in a row to ranks of Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station, Bibi Lanzaro, an overseas-based Guyanese who came to Guyana to do charitable work, has given-up hope that the police would apprehend the culprit who broke into her relative’s house and stole her US$4,000 meant for charity. According to Lanzaro, two Sundays ago, she and her two siblings were the victims of theft when burglars broke into the Harlem, West Coast Demerara house and stole US$4,000, a Trinidadian Passport containing a United States of America visa and two gold and diamond rings. The woman said that they were at a wedding in the village when the incident occurred. It was no later than 23:00 hrs. She opined that because the music was on loud they were unable to hear the burglars breaking the locks on the backdoor of the house. According to a male relative, during the celebrations he decided to check on the house and was stunned when he saw the backdoor open and noise emanating from the house. He returned to the wedding house and inquired of his son (the owner of the house) if he had left the door open and got a negative response. As such, the occupants of the house, including Lanzaro and her siblings returned to the premises and there it was discovered that only items belonging to the overseas guests were missing. She said that her brother’s Trinidadian passport and his two rings that were on the head of the bed and her US$4,000 that was stashed in a bag were missing. She opined that the burglars probably did not have much time since her American Passport and three others were not stolen. The woman noted that her frustration with the police began the night of the burglary when the police refused to come to the scene, claiming lack of a vehicle. She noted that within a two-hour span she called the police three times and kept receiving the same response, “We don’t have vehicle…I can’t help you.” Lanzaro said that the situation became unbearable and her nephew called “his boss in Georgetown and his boss call a police rank in Georgetown who called Vreed-en-Hoop and then is when we get help.” “Soon after we decided to go to the police and there we saw the police loading up in a jeep to come to us in Harlem…We returned home and the police took a statement from me,” she added. The woman stated that the lax approach and inefficiencies of ranks of Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station worsened over the next two days forcing her to lodge a complaint with the Commander of ‘D’ Division. According to the woman, on the Monday she went to the police station where she gave another statement. To her surprise, when she went to the station on Tuesday, she was again asked to give a statement. This increased her frustration and she decided to go to the Commander of ‘D’ Division on Wednesday. Lanzaro noted that on Thursday the police telephoned her requesting to visit her on Friday to obtain a statement and she refused. Despite the troubles the woman still extended her charity to 15 elderly people.