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Reply to "MOSES"

Originally posted by Nehru:
Your People never advanced in Science and technology and therefore look out for handouts and Welfare!!!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Moses will be scorned five years from now. Traitor and now been stabbed in the Back by PNC.
Of course those who are now off the open access line to the nations milk source are angry with him. He will however be seen in history as one of those individuals taking a courageous step to transition into a democratic society. None of the paleontological relics in the PPP are clear headed to do it .They were too busy gorging themselves on the nations innards to contemplate change for its marginalized citizens. Under the PPP we saw the unnatural consolidation of wealth into the hands of a few leaving the rest of the nation as bedraggled dredges on the margins. These porkers are now sweating all because Moses came down from the mountain with a message of change.

Moses never had a message of change. moses was delirious because he couldn't get what others have. He wouldn't be with the AFC for long.
He abandoned the PPP the same way you abandoned the Amerinds. Thank god for the PPP your people are now well fed.
He surely articulated a clear message and led a significant portion of the PPP's support base across the river into the promised land.

I am British born so I went to my people for a cultural imprinting. I can no more abandon them than you walk away from your indian skin.

The PPP cannot feed anyone. They own nothing. Most of them are directly from the logie Anything they own are from my peoples weal. They cannot give us anything. They can only return to us what was stolen or used for the benefit others and now that benefit is being returned to us.

We are very sorry you need a lot because a lot of you came. That is not our fault. We did not ask you to come in such vast numbers. While we are willing to accommodate you we are not willing to commit cultural suicide on account of your oppression and greed. Most of you folks act more like a parasitic infestation than welcome guests. Get it in your noggins. We are the originals.
My people are inside most of you. From tierra del fuego to Ellesmere Island, the blood of our ancestors courses through the veins of the majority of the people. From Machu Pichu to the Yucatan, the builders from our antiquity raised edifices and constructed scientific instruments for calculating the seasons and time to the accuracy of seconds; wrote codices , invented the zero, used positional notation to match the best of the era. I suggest you read a little before you talk a lot.