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Reply to "My Favorite Dictator"

@Former Member posted:

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Linden Forbes Samson Burnham

You can hate him but he taught us valuable lessons, discipline, and provided free education. He was far more advance than Granger.  

If you don't experience hardship how would you learn to appreciate good things - Petal. 

Thank you, Comrade!  

He provided free education and then didn't have money to pay his teachers. Schools were closed parts of the years so the qualified teachers were forced to migrate.  Your dictator, despite being a lawyer was suffering from paranoic delusions. Your dictator banned essential food items. He created the National Service and tried to make Guyana one nation.  He rigged all elections by using the army and post office to do it.

You admire this man.  The man who ordered his people to rape Indian women so that they can give birth to the Dougla race. 
