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Reply to "Mystery Man-Peter Ramsaroop PPP Economic Adviser-Revealed"

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Peter F-up Carwyn, Carwyn used this interview to peddle fake news for the PNC. As Peter stated the only achievement done by the PNC in three years was the rebuilding of D'Urban park and it's already falling apart. You nit brains are dissecting Peter's military service, the records shows he served in the US army, have ANY of you done so?

 The PNC LOST the NCV, get the hell out of parliament and call an election, let the people elect a new government, one that turns the economic wheel to develop the country. Three years plus, and NO development, just deh pun ile.

Some people does only see what they want to see.

Regarding the NCV the Court will decide, if the vote is legit or not. Why the rush ?

How can you expect a fair verdict in a PNC run court,Trying devil in Hell , all this delay is stretching the election time frame. We all know what the out come will be.

Ha..ha.. now is PNC Court, read the Constitution regarding Parliament and MP crossing floor.
