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Reply to "Funny Names of Places in Guyana"

GT, our children were born overseas and knows little about Guyana, so I just completed my autobiography and also documented my ancestor's [and myself]  history from India to Guyana to Canada for them, while scanning about 500+ documents.

Surprisingly, I was told when some of the indenture labourers passed on, their birth certificates and other immigration documents were thrown in their cremation fire.  

I believe Guyanese parents overseas should document their family history for their children/GC, because it might be much harder for them to find out about their ancestors  later. 

In the 1960s, I took hundreds of photographs of my community and around  Guyana and some are now on display in museums in other countries,  educating citizens about the Indian Indenture  Program.

I have a copy of the 1950s Sugar Workers Welfare Fund report with aerial and ground photographs of most estates, including logies. It has an aerial photograph of the logies on the sugar estate where I lived, taken  on the year I was born. It was an emotional experience to see the places where I lived during my earlier years.   

Which sugar estate did your grandparents lived ? PM me the answer. 

The last logie I saw was a display unit, in the administrative manager's compound at Leonora. A WCD poster might be able to say whether  its still there.

Also, a few years ago  I photographed another logie at Port Mourant.  Reference the sugar estate dispensary near the PM market. Walking along the dispensary  road  about two hundred yards and cross a small bridge over the trench to the right, is an open area with the logie, that can be seen from the road.  

If it is not possible to visit these places, PM me and I will send you a photograph of a logie.  

