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Reply to "Namibia, another African country that adopts the Portuguese language"

Originally posted by Lucas:
You will see a quick declining of the English language in coming years. White Australia will adopt Mandarin as official language, Canada will adopt Spanish, most of Africa will make Portuguese official. India will reconcile with its own language re-adopting it as its education language and will make Mandarin compulsory as foreign language in schools. England will become a third rate country (like Portugal) whereas the US will be demoted to just a power. The Guyanese will continue speaking Caribbean English because no other skills are required to do cleaning jobs in Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries.

Now I see you are seriously troubled.

English will be importnat because the Brazilians will need it to speak to the Chinese and Russians and South Africans if they are all in the same room together.

Brazilians will continue to master English better than will most Guyanese because they know that it will enable their businesses to better penetrate other markets.

This is unless you expect Brazilians and Chinese and Russians to fight over which of their languages should be spoken to theexclusiion of others.

Now if I were you I would set up an English school for Brazilians who cant afford to to to Trinidad or Miami to master English.

I understand that you might have to teach English first to your Guyanese instructors. Better yet. Bring in Brazilians to teach Guyanese English! lol