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Reply to "Nancy Pelosi can hold onto her articles of impeachment forever for all anyone cares"

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

The predicament right now for Nancy and her bunch of story tellers, after the hearings, the swing states tightened up around Trump!  They find themselves in a lose-lose situation!  And I saw a report from GS (I believe) predicting the economy to accelerate in 2020!  And you know how it goes, it's the Economy!  All else is noise!

I am confident that America will right itself. This abomination for reality cannot persist. One remembers McCarty had this nation by the balls with his communist purges but it righted itself. This carnival barker in the WH cannot sell this lie to all of the people for all of the time.

While it is clear that most people are sub par intellectually and seldom take the time to think their way methodically through a problem,  it is also clear most people have definable moral moorings. He has none.  That is the missing nail in the horse's shoe that will cause the war against truth to be lost.

Additionally, the universe has a balance. When the scales of justice teeters to one side inordinately, it must come back for that is the way of things inevitably just. I have no fear of Trump ruining us. I only wait for him to ruin himself. The fellow is vile. 

I'm sure they were waiting for an above par like you to come and enlighten them!

Trump's election is not about Trump.  I doubt it will be back to usual whether he is gone in 2020 or 2024!  He has exposed an underlying issue in this nation which others will latch onto for sometime to come!  I believe the nation will drift further towards Trump nationalism before you see a swing in the other direction!

With America falling behind in the Arms Race with Russia and China, expect a hardening and more nationalistic fervor for some time!  I would not be surprised if we see some regional military interventions in the next few years!
