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Reply to "Nancy Pelosi can hold onto her articles of impeachment forever for all anyone cares"

Sean posted:

GNI socialist, anti Trump mob will end up at a mental health facility in 2020. I pray that they smarten up before that. I did listen to an economist making that prediction that the economy will be accelerating in 2020. 
As their own Bill Clinton stated: “It’s all about the economy, stupid”

Democrat story tellers lost this one and they better lick their wounds and move one in order to avoid humiliation at the polls. 

Then again, the fake news media will deny that Bill Clinton seh suh ! 

I am not a socialist. I am a Keynesian capitalist as opposed to the Republicans who worship at the footstools of Hayek and the Austrians and call every other person not of this ilk a socialist. That is what stupid people do...follow the cue of those who create easy labels without examining what are the underlying realities of those labels. 

Indeed it is the economy and in this one the poor and the middle class are being gaped by the rich for whom it functions. Wage is stagnated, most Americans are still a paycheck away from the poor house and even with low inflation, interest rate and working multiple jobs most barely make it.

It is easy to discount the media as fake as if there is a dark conspiracy to act against ones interest. That is what the orange grifter sells, and what the myth embraced by the republicans because it server their interest in one way or another. But the reality is the nation is losing its way in the world.
