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Never Make a Promise You Cannot Keep.

APNU/AFC did promise rice farmers $9000 per bag for Paddy

Sep 04, 2015, Kaieteur News

Dear Editor,

With regards Mr. Ganesh Mahipaul ‘s letter published in Kaieteur News on Monday August 31, 2015, I would like to bring to light to Mr. Mahipaul, the rice farmers and the Guyanese public that the APNU/ AFC did ,whole heartedly promised rice farmers $9000 per bag for paddy at several of their political meetings. This declaration was made with gusto by our Prime Minister, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo in Region Six , while our Public Security Minister, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan ensured that he was not denied the opportunity and hence made this “juicy promise” to the rice farmers at political meetings in Regions 4 and 6.

This promise was eventually repeated by Dr. Turhane Doerga, who did not hesitate to jump on the bandwagon and the $9000 per bag declaration was made by him at a political meeting that was held in the rice growing community of Cane Grove in Region 4. Mr. Mahipaul should not be totally blamed for his lack of recollection for such a promise being made by men in high offices of the present Government. It is understood that by nature some people conveniently suffer from “fading recollection” of information to achieve their own purpose. The truth is that rice farmers were promised $9000 per bag of paddy by the current APNU/AFC Administration, and as we all know that one cannot, in any way, alter or improve the truth. In a world made up of a deceit, the APNU/AFC has used the “tool of deception” to its fullest and should by all means be given full credit for this deceptive scheme which will result in over 7000 rice farmers suffering the consequences for what surely looked like a failed promise.

As a rice farmer I am in full support of Mr. Jagdeo’s demand for the APNU/AFC Government to fulfill its promise to rice farmers. The leader for the opposition is simply doing his duty and what is right. This is not to gain political points as was mentioned in Mr. Mahipaul’s letter. The PPP/C is simply demanding that the Government deliver on its promise. What is wrong with holding the Government accountable?. They (Government) should see the wisdom of delivering on this promise knowing full well the importance of this vital industry to Guyana’s economy. Or maybe this is too much to expect of them. Rice farmers and the 150,000 people who depend on the rice industry directly and indirectly are sincerely hoping that the Government will make good on its promise and pay rice farmers $9000 per bag for their paddy. The Government should do the “wise thing” and live up to its promise. If not, this industry in no doubt will suffer severely under their governance.

Benjee Singh (Rice Farmer, Region # 4)

Bibi Haniffa
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