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Reply to "It aint so bad"

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

If you need to believe because you consume your cocktail of meth, heroin, crack, and pills, what can I say.

Your governor will feel sorry for you, and send you to that prison which he is converting to a drug treatment center.

Understand this, if you were black, and had a marijuana spliff, your governor would jail you for 20 years.

Please address why universally Blacks are spurned by every race. 

So are dark skinned Indians. Throughout the African continent, there are light skinned Negroes. Lighter in complexion than a great many Indians, wherever they maybe found on the planet. There is a problem with skin color even among Blacks in all parts of the world. Lighter complexion seems to imply a better culture and habits. 

Strange, there are differences in every race of people. We all prejudice, even among our own race much less another race of people.

I look at it this way. I know it exist. I avoid it. If I should experience it then I seek God's guidance about it.

At times, I confront it. Especially from my keyboard.

Prejudices and racism will never depart from earth until The Christ comes.

Suh be happy. Plenty to eat. Safe when yuh lock up ur house sleeping. And yuh have a wonderful woman sleeping beside yuh. The children are healthy and doing fine with their schooling.

Yuh never know when it will all come to a sudden end. Y worry be happy.



