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Reply to "It aint so bad"

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lets not make this discussion about me,

He is also aware that a Guyanese Indian like you, gets no better treatment than do blacks, once your mouth opens and that AFRO CARIBBEAN accent pours out. 

They see you as BLACK.  Even Vish M used to protest about how the NYPD used to harass young Indo Caribbean youth.

In fact I have many white friends who I socialize with on a regular basis but this discussion is not about me but rather the larger question. Why are Blacks universally castigated? Does a few bad vocal apples, like the video that was recently posted,  make like difficult for the rest of you? You rushed to excuse those two women harassing the Wales workers, but you did not consider the bigger picture of the impression other races get when they encounter such crass behavior.  You have to see the big picture rather than making excuses. 
