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Reply to "None of us who were born in Guyana are ‘Indians’ or ‘Africans’- Charles Sugrim"

caribny posted:

And here we go.  This man who thinks that he has an Indian passport so he can show contempt for Guyanese culture.  When last I checked there was definitely a distinct Caribbean  flavor, with a Guyanese flavor being a part of this. 

Continue to be clannish and display contempt for this, but understand that you also have some level of Caribbean flavor about you so if you think that its "massa's" culture I just feel sorry for you.

Do you know that Christianity reached India before it reached the British Isles?  Yes I know you think its "massa" but people in India and Africa had exposure to Christianity before most of Europe did.

Where did I mention that I have Indian passport? In fact India does give citizenship to persons of Indian origin if they can prove lineage.  You probably can try if you have any Indian in your family. 

There is no such thing as a "Guyanese culture" . There are many subcultures withing the umbrella.  Indeed Christianity and Islam were in Asia and Africa a long time ago. However your people were not Christians when they came to Guyana. They lost their culture when it was beaten out of them by massa. Now you pretend that all the European culture that you adopted is African, what a dingbat your are. 
