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Reply to "Not one D.C. high school marching band wants to play Donald Trump’s inauguration"

VishMahabir posted:

Another Knuckleghead,

...and one who is bold enough to tell us with a straight face that there are no laws in the US...I guess we are all living in a state of lawlessness.

I suggest you re-read Abu Nidal's initial posting above before you start flooding this forum with your personal rantings and ravings against anyone with whom you disagree.

OK go to a KKK rally with a sign around your neck saying "I know I am white even though I don't look it".

There weren't any applications by marching bands. YOU are the one who is ranting about this.

They just don't want to join the KKK in celebrating the coronation of a white supremacist dictator. Given the history of the DC and its surrounding areas that is no surprise.

Now I know that you are upset so go to a KKK rally, because to some that is what the inauguration will be.
