Why does Obama want congressional approval for something he can do without the blessings of congress and the United Nations?
Well, let us see if President Barack Obama will proceed without the approval of Congress and/or the House of Representatives.
Brilliant strategic move by President Obama on two fronts – (i) by feinting an imminent attack only to push it back the US military saw how Assad’s military maneuvered; and (ii) he’s sending Iran a message by involving Congress. Yes, the US President never outsources foreign policy to Congress, but in this case Obama is a brilliant tactician also.
The British Parliament saw Bush cried wolf in Iraq and just like the overhang of Vietnam led to a delay in Bosnia, so too a hangover from Iraq is causing doubts about Syria.
The over-riding point about this response is the WMD question. This Syrian attack is a message to North Korea, Iran and others on WMD – whether nuclear or gas – will not be tolerated. Gas strikes a damaging nerve (no pun intended) since the 1st world war and the holocaust.