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Reply to "Now Obama puts Syria strike on ice"

D_G, on a serious note:


We can't mix oranges with apples when it comes to fact findings on International matters of WMD's. Agree, the Iraq WMD put America at odds with the International coalition and their respective countries. This is why many American allies are not taking the chance to jump the gun.


Does facts really matter?

What if the facts on Syria is true? Sit back and do nothing?

Are we going to take what happened in Iraq to denied every other facts to be false? 


Obama said today:

He is the commander-in-Chief and he is ready to action at anytime "which mean" to protect America's national security in the region and at home: "which means" The red line is crossed for Syria to used chemical weapon: "which mean" he don't need congressional approval to protect American National Security Interest: (BUT) He just wants to wait further to brief congress and get their approval. He changed his mind.


Obama Mission:

Was said to be surgical strikes against Syria to eliminate their military instillation and government facility so that Assad wouldn't be able to use chemical weapon again.


Congressional Approval:

Why does Obama want congressional approval for something he can do without the blessings of congress and the United Nations?



I think Obama knows that this time it may not be a slap in the face and walk out, but is might be easier to get in and difficult to get out. It could be a trap to get American to be drawn into a regional conflict that may required an exit strategy. I think he needs congregational approval just in case this strike blows out of proportion and become an all out war. What do you think?  
