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Drunken man beats neighbour for her birthday

Kaieteur News – A night of celebration turned violent for Keneshia Shiwsaran, who was beaten about her back with a cutlass by one of her neighbours during her 30th birthday party.

Keneshia Shiwsaran who was allegedly attacked by her neighbour.

The mother of three told Kaieteur News yesterday that on June 15, around 22:30hrs at her Lot 37 Rahaman’s Park residence, her neighbour who she identified as Leon Welcome, came from behind her and lashed her across her back.
The woman said on the same day, she and her husband had invited just a few friends for the celebration, the neighbour and his wife were among the invited guests. Later in the evening, the women at the gathering formed a group in a corner where they were conversing with each other. Shiwsaran alleged that Welcome came near them and whispered something in his wife ears then left. Moments after that, he came from an unknown direction with his cutlass and lashed her across her back then escaped in the direction from which he came from. She added that during the attack, her husband had intervened and he too received a cut on one of his hands.

The injuries Shiwsaran received to her back on the night of the attack.

According to the woman, prior to this, she and her husband never had any grievance with the man and his family, which would cause him to react like that. She said that on the same night, they went to lodge a report at the Ruimveldt Police Station, but officers there told her that she should get a medical form. The injured woman said she left and went to the Georgetown Public Hospital as instructed. There she was examined and then was told that the police would have to uplift the medical. When she returned the next day to the police station, officers there informed her that they will uplift her medical as it as part of her report. When asked if they are not going to apprehend the man, Shiwsaran claimed that the ranks at the police station told her that they do not have any patrol vehicle to go into the area.
The mother of three is pleading with relevant authorities to look into her situation as she is fearful for her life and her family’s wellbeing. She said, the next day after the attack, that same neighbour came and hit on their door with a cutlass and threatened to end her life.
