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Reply to "Oh..skites Matt Lauer fired from NBC, for sexual misconduct."

Leonora posted:

The thing that bothers me is that these high-powered men behaved badly with women, the women used it to get ahead and said nothing at the time, then years later they all come out of the woodwork to bring down these powerful men. 

This is just the tip of the Iceberg, many more will fall. Donald the grabber will have to answer one day. Don't loose sight, the women are the victims. Bill Cosby drugged women and then raped them, he said it was acceptable norm those days.Many of these women are WIVES, Mothers and family people, they go to work to make an honest day's pay, they have bills to pay, they tolerated then, but today it took ONE BRAVE woman to start the ball rolling, remember many tried before and paid a price, their JOB.
