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One arrested for Johnny Welsman's "sodomy" who will be next?

First suspect arrested

Rape accuser, Johnny Welshman Jnr

Rape accuser, Johnny Welshman Jnr

Welshman’s alleged sodomy…


– Police still probing Trotman

Just over a week after Johnny Welshman Jnr accused Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman, his father and a close family friend of sexually molestation, a Yarrowkabra businessman was arrested on Monday and is being interrogated.

A Division Commander Clifton Hicken confirmed the arrest, noting that the suspect is being questioned by members of the Criminal Investigative Department (CID).

He said that since the report was lodged, an investigation has been launched while disclosing that there are no eyewitnesses to support the young man’s claims.

As such, charges are not likely to be instituted at this stage. There have been reports circulating that the Speaker of the National Assembly will be charged in the same matter.

Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman

Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman

House, creek

Guyana Times understands that the accuser, Welshman, would have accompanied a detective from the CID to Yarrowkabra on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway where he pointed out the house and creek where he was molested.

The suspect reportedly refused to corporate with the Police and allegedly told Welshman “you could have come to me first”.

Sources confirmed that Johnny Welshman will be before acting Chief Justice Ian Chang on Wednesday where he is expected to present his affidavit requesting for the ex parte interim injunction filed by Trotman to be discharged.

On that day, he intends to release information about several high ranking politicians who have lashed out against him. Information ranging from affiliations in Trinidad and Tobago, gifts offered to him by several political activist and others.

In addition, Guyana Times understands that the Johnny Welshman Snr cannot be located. Several calls to his mobile phones by the investigators went unanswered and so did that of the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Recently, Crime Chief Leslie James told Guyana Times that the Guyana Police Force has launched a formal investigation into alleged sodomisation of a 13-year-old boy by Trotman, who is an Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member and former Presidential Candidate.

He said the Police have already contacted Trotman to obtain a statement with the aim of completing the preliminary round of investigations.

When asked when the report was lodged by Welshman with the Police, the Crime Chief did not give details.

James comments come at a time when there is growing public outrage and unease following Welshman’s decision to go public about the sexual molestation he allegedly endured while he was a boy at the hands of Trotman.

A senior Police officer, who is close to the probe, told this newspaper that the Force is treating the case with the same level of urgency and attention as any other case involving paedophile allegations.

“We will not be intimidated. We will do our work professionally and responsibly. We are not looking at the office that Trotman holds, we are looking at him in his personal capacity. We are only concerned about ensuring that we do our part to ensure that justice is served,” the officer said.

He insisted that the Police will not be sidetracked or distracted by the comments made by the AFC and its leadership.

“They have work to do and we have our own work to do. We will resist any attempt by the party or its members to interfere with our probe,” the officer said.

Meanwhile, Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Ali-Hack has already confirmed receiving a complaint from Welshman.

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