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Reply to "Opposition politicizing Berbice River Bridge in attempt to chase investors - PPP"

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like schools and hospitals, public roads and bridges are public goods. It's a government's responsibility to provide public goods.

While a government may contract private firms to supply goods and services in order to create and complete public projects, engaging private investors as big partners is not beneficial to a nation.

Those private investors will want to maximize returns on their investments even at the expense of the consumers of public goods. This is exactly what's happening with the Berbice River Bridge.

The big private partners are calling the shots. The PPP/C government is upholding those partners' selfish interests in not wanting to reduce the tolls.

Who are the private partners with big shares in the bridge? Bobby Ramroop's empire is one of them. And it's evident that the Ramroop outfit intends to rip off the bridge authority as it is ripping off the Georgetown Public Hospital by monopolizing the supply of extra-high-priced drugs.

In my opinion, the parliamentary opposition parties are defending the interests of the traveling public in demanding the reduction of the bridge tools. And that's a good thing.


the temptation of public/private partnership has been that public officials select their private partners on the basis of enriching their friends and the PPP fell face first into this pattern. Once they partook of that poisoned fruit they  infected and all subsequent deals   made to date continue on the basis of more cash to their pockets.


The PPP is irredeemably corrupt. They are a disease without a cure. There is no rehabilitation of this lot. The entire upper echelon has to go for any redemption can be in the works.  They have to go.



If the PPP has to go, then pass a no confidence nation and we can have have free and fair elections.


You are such a dunce.

In 2011, 51% of the voters showed no confidence in the PPP. From the PPP own surveys, they know that number has grown since.
